"The counselors were the best. From the first meet and greet to the last day. Our child was happy the whole time. He was so happy being there. He asked to stay later, so halfway through the four-week camp we set him up for after camp care. He loved playing Gaga!"
~ J-Camp Parent
As part of the OFJCC mission to be the architects of the Jewish future and re-imagine Jewish life, J-Camp cultivates confidence (בטחון), compassion (רחמים), curiosity (סקרנות), social responsibility (אחריות), mindfulness (זהירות) and gratitude (הכרת הטוב) throughout our camp community. At J-Camp, we build a spirited community where campers are immersed in joyful camp activities and develop meaningful relationships with others while engaging in individual personal growth.
Every morning we start camp with a ruach (spirit) filled song and cheer session to start our camp day. We sing traditional J-Camp songs and introduce new songs each year from our campers and staff. The most important part of chavurah is pumping up our energy and enthusiasm for an awesome day at camp. For our incoming TK and kindergarten campers, we will start camp with their own special chavurah to welcome them to camp before joining the rest of camp. There is no better way to start a day than with a camp chavurah session!
Gratitude and L'hitraot
At the end of a fun-filled camp day, we conclude with a few more games and songs to send everyone home with the same camp spirit we welcome our campers with! Lastly, we take a few minutes to reflect on the day and share something we are grateful for as a way of practicing one of our awesome camp values and cherishing all our favorite camp moments.
On Friday afternoons, we end J-Camp with a fun closing to the week and Shabbat celebration. Shabbat allows J-Camp the opportunity to come together, reflect on the week we have spent, sing some classic Shabbat songs, and enjoy the community we have built. Families are welcome to join us on Friday Shabbat!